Know Your Rights, Mama: Breastfeeding Laws in Australia


As a new mum, navigating the world of breastfeeding can be a beautiful yet challenging journey. Amidst the joys and trials of motherhood, one thing you should never have to worry about is your legal right to breastfeed your baby. In Australia, the law is firmly on your side, ensuring that you can nurture your baby anytime, anywhere, without fear of discrimination.

Public Breastfeeding Protection

Picture this: you’re enjoying a leisurely stroll in the park with your little one when hunger strikes. Without hesitation, you find a comfortable spot, cradle your baby in your arms, and begin to breastfeed. Did you know that in Australia, this act is not only natural but also fully protected by law? That’s right—public breastfeeding is completely legal.

Under Australian law, no one can ask you to move, cover up, or cease breastfeeding in public spaces. Whether you’re in a bustling cafe, a park, or a busy shopping mall, you have the right to nourish your baby without interference. These laws exist to empower mothers and normalize breastfeeding as a natural part of daily life.

Workplace Rights

For many mothers returning to work after maternity leave, the prospect of balancing breastfeeding and professional responsibilities can seem daunting. However, Australian law ensures that breastfeeding employees are supported in the workplace.

Employers are required to provide a safe and hygienic space for breastfeeding mothers to express milk. Importantly, this space cannot be a bathroom—it must be a designated area conducive to expressing milk comfortably and privately. By upholding these standards, employers demonstrate their commitment to supporting the health and well-being of their employees and their families.

Anti-Discrimination Protection

In addition to public and workplace rights, breastfeeding mothers are also safeguarded by anti-discrimination legislation. The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 explicitly protects breastfeeding mothers from unfair treatment in various settings, including public spaces, workplaces, and educational institutions.

This means that you cannot be discriminated against or treated unfairly simply because you are breastfeeding. Whether you’re nursing your baby in a cafe, attending a meeting at work, or participating in a university lecture, your right to breastfeed is legally protected. These laws serve as a powerful reminder that breastfeeding is a fundamental aspect of maternal care and should be respected and supported by society as a whole.

Embracing Supportive Environments

Ultimately, breastfeeding laws in Australia are designed to create supportive environments where mothers and their babies can thrive. By upholding these rights, we celebrate the beauty of breastfeeding and recognize its importance in nurturing healthy, happy families.

So, the next time you find yourself in need of nourishing your baby, remember that the law is on your side and so are we! For those moments when you would like some extra  privacy, our Cowrie cover has got you covered—literally! Stylish, practical, and discreet, it’s your perfect breastfeeding companion, no matter where you are.